Analysis of Plot in “the Diamond Necklace” (Formalism Analysis)

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INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study Literay work can be analyse in instrinsic aspects of literary work. The instrinstic aspects are setting, character, message, theme, plot, etc. This papers will concern in plot. According to Elizabeth Gordon in the web, the elements of plot are exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, denoument. Exposition is background information a reader must understand in order to know what is going on in the story.[1] Conflict: complication or problem the main character(s) must deal with; it gets the action moving.[2] Rising Action: events (and more conflicts) that occur when the main character tackles the problem; level of excitement and suspense builds.[3] Climax: the main character comes face to face with the problem; most exciting part of the story.[4] Falling Action: things begin to get back to normal; life goes on (even if the problem isn’t solved)[5]. Denoument (Resolve): loose ends are tied off; allows reader to clearly understand what happened.[6] This story is telling about a woman who borrowes a diamond necklace to use in the party. The conflict happened when she lost the necklace, because of that she must work hard to replace the necklace. After 10 years she had hard work to pay the debth, she met the owner of necklace and she said that the diamond necklace that was borrowed by her is imitation. 1.2 Research Question What kinds of plot that appear in “The Diamond Necklace? 1.3 Theoretical Framework Formalism is a critical theory that introduced by the russian man, named Roman Jakobson. Jakobson said that literary work can be analyze from its intrinsic elements. Literary work is beautiful because it has the beautiful form. Roman Jakobson introduced his theory as the theory that used to criticize the intrinsic aspect that exist in the work. BAB II DISCUSSION

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