Some believe that raising the minimum wage would hurt people by making it harder to find jobs, when it actually will create more job opportunities for Americans. How does our economy expect families to live comfortably making $7.25 an hour? With inflation constantly on the rise the worth of money is becoming less and less valuable. Why can we not raise the minimum wage if everything else is increasing in price? The minimum wage needs to be updated to correlate with the times and value of the American dollar.
If I think for a second how much an employer will like will to get out of an employee, it will turn automatically on exploitation or abuse against the employee. Obviously, the employer would like to get more from the laborer for less cost. In other words if a job requires an employee to work forty hours to accomplish the job and the employer have to pay a minimum wage, then the employer will like and expect the job to be completed in that deadline. However, if the same situation occurs when there is no minimum wage set the employer will not only expect this job to be done, but may want an additional twenty overtime hours to complete another person’s job by the same employee at no extra cost; because, it will be at solely employer’s discretion how much to compensate this employee for the job completed. It is frustrating to see how much of a trade off the circle of life is having to sacrifice people’s income in order to get a greater result on a business.
Lewis 1 Nicole Lewis English 103 Professor Davis 20 April 2015 Raising Minimum Wage In society, a vast majority of people are subjected to working minimum wage jobs, many of which have families to support. Minimum wage jobs were not intended for living off of, but that is no longer the case unfortunately. Some people believe that raising the minimum wage will raise prices, and then lower demand. Though this may appear true, raising the minimum wage in the long run will actually help businesses thrive, thus relieving income inequality, and helping the lives of struggling young adults and families living off of minimum wages. Contrary to popular belief, raising the minimum wage will help business flourish.
If the company has low skilled employees than they will not be making the most out of their assets because there will be more wastage in production, this can result in an increase in the amount being able to provide to the public. If production levels fall then the company will make less money because they will not be able to see as much to the public as they could if they did have highly skilled workers. Therefore it is important to review the workforce plan constantly to understand when more highly skilled workers will be needed. External The fact that the current market has a global shortage of mining professionals does cause a problem to the company’s long term projects. This is because the company will need highly skilled workers to maximise production without a large range to choose from.
A woman working in the same job as a man will usually earn less, despite the fact that she may have the same or better training, education, and skills required for the job ("Study Shows Female Managers in Britain Earn Less than Men, and Equality Could Be 57 Years Away." 2010). Women are consistently discriminated against in the workplace. Women only make 60 percent or less than their male counterparts in the same job position (Louis, 2010). Throughout history men are seen as the “strong/tough ones”; the belief is that they should be paid more than women in order to support their families (Loney, 2005).
Also, the current employees who are making the current minimum wage amount ($8.25) will enjoy the dramatic increase to $10.65. There are managers and supervisors who believe that by paying employees a substantial amount of money for the job they do on a daily basis, the overall work environment will receive a bump in morale. Also, citizens whom reside in the state of Illinois tend to think that the term minimum wage is just for young teens in high school or retirees; but what they fail to realize is that a lot of middle class families attain minimum wage jobs and people graduating from college eventually take on a minimum wage until they are able to attain a job in their career field. To many of those in the low to middle class family income bracket in Illinois, increasing the minimum wage would definitely put more money into their pockets therefore allowing them to provide for their families more than the usual. “A survey was taken in Illinois to determine the age brackets of those that receive minimum wage pay, the information that was found was very interesting.
More importantly, it hurts the lives of the many people that were working for Hostess. They can't make a living without a job, without a job they wouldn't have the money to pay for their bills or even their house and might even add to the growing population of homeless people. It would also hurt the states in which the bakeries or plants were shut down. Also, the liquidation affects the people who love Hostess, people who grew up with Hostess, and the new-coming babies that won't be able to enjoy any of their products anymore. The Union is supposed to help the economy, not take away businesses that will help it.
If Obama raises minimum wage it could put small businesses in an unacceptable bind that helps no one. If Obama raises the minimum wage to $9.00, its bad enough that small business struggle with the $7.25 because they try to hire as many people, usually
The most profound argument in favor of raising the minimum wage circles around the economic stimulus. Raising the minimum wage would not only help thousands of workers out of government assistance programs, but would also boost spending in the local economy on services and goods. While the strongest argument against raising the minimum wage is the uncertainty of the current job market and how it will affect entry-level and new job positions not opening in the economy. When we start looking at how a change like this would help the vast majority of today’s workers, versus the uncertainty of what may or may not help the few, this poses for a weak argument. Assist with the greater good.
I thought about this while I was home sick from school. It was that time during the day when there was nothing good on TV. So I started to ask myself questions, "Why do I have to choose from the shows that the TV networks want me to watch? A lot of my most favorite shows I like are either off the air, or they're on while I'm at school. Sometimes they're on channels that I just can't afford.