Although, he is a part of the small percentage of the upper class in America his main focus for the election is to appeal to the middle-class as a devoted family man who is seeking to lower their struggles. This will appeal to the emotions of the American people, and if you can capture their hearts then you can capture their votes. This article speaks about the topics of tax rates, more jobs, better training programs and the unemployed. These are probably the most important issues in the United States of America today. Many struggle to make ends meet because of the strong threshold that
These ideals are also known as supply side economics or “Reaganomics.” This is a “policy espoused by former U.S. president Ronald Reagan. He popularized the controversial idea that greater tax cuts for investors and entrepreneurs provide incentives to save and invest and produce economic benefits that trickle down into the overall economy.” (American Pie: Wealth and Income Inequality in America, 2012). With this way of thinking, the rich keep getting richer and the poor are struggling to survive. The OWS movement strives to make sure the 99%, which would be the middle to lower class Americans, also have a say in the government and a fair distribution of the finances in America. Many people believe that the trickle-down theory is just an excuse to justify favoring the rich financially and the benefits keep going to those richer people.
A $10 billion fund to prevent foreclosures, funding for roads and bridges etc. Many things happened during the presidency, which were outright mishandled by the Government. “Cash for clunkers” completely ruined the used car market, sky rocketing the price of used vehicles, the utter collapse of the housing market, and unemployment rates skyrocketed. The Obama jobs act of 2011 was a total disaster. It was marketed towards the citizens of the United States as a tool to “put Americans back to work” without adding “a dime to the deficit”(Epstein, 2013).
President Barack Obama Tax Cut Proposal President Obama proposed a new minimum tax rate for individuals making more than $1 million a year to ensure that they pay at least the same percentage of their earnings as middle income taxpayers. He called his proposal the “Buffett Rule,” in reference to Warren E. Buffett, the billionaire investor who has complained repeatedly that the richest American generally pay a smaller share of their income in federal taxes than middle-income workers, because investment gains are taxed at a lower rate than wages. President Obama’s proposal is causing the opposition from Republicans, who have opposed raising taxes on the affluent Americans because they said, it would discourage investment. According to IRS reports, there were about 237,000 millionaires, or about 0.1 percent of all filers, that filed income tax returns in 2009. There were about 8,000 filers who reported gross incomes of more than $10 million.
How America Would Be Different: Without Important People and Times in History Ashley Kimpling 4/28/2014 The first topic I have chosen to focus on is “Reaganomics”; this was the preposition that Reagan made when he ran for president. It was an idea of making tax cuts for the wealthy of 30%. Although only a 25% tax cut was approved Reagan still thought that this would help the economy. His reasoning for this was that the wealthy would save that money and be able to spend more money, by spending more he thought it would create more jobs. Unfortunately, while Reagan was in office the national debt tripled; it went from one trillion to three trillion dollars (Independence Hall Association, 2008-2014).
Initially as they become elected with the most altruistic of intentions it seems as if they sincerely believe that they are on the side the people, but the machination of Washington politics tends to slowly exact its toll while they serve their term in office. What drives this machine is money and lots of it, as the amount to run and keep their position is growing exponentially every year. In order to preserve their job while in congress concessions must be made and at the heart of these concessions is basically condoned bribery. In So Much Damn Money: the Triumph of Lobbying and the Corrosion of American Government, author Robert Kaiser quotes Democratic congressman Leon Panetta saying that “ legalized bribery has become part of the culture of how this place operates[ todays House and Senate members] rarely legislate; they basically follow around the money”. Keep in mind that congressman Panetta was referring to his term in office that ended in 1997 which reinforces how ingrained the practice of money pandering has become within congress as well as showcasing that this practice is not new by any means.
You see, an administration before had been given two choices: let the nation heal itself or plunge astronomical amounts of money into industry causing a national debt far beyond anything we had ever seen. The choice was clear: Hoover would have to gradually improve the country without creating an enormous national deficit. However, FDR was not so subtle. Through the use of what I lovingly dub, the "Money Arm" he threw money at whatever obstacle was presented to him. "Unemployment?
Economists believe that government spending should rise temporarily so the drop in private spending can repair itself. The government is taking an opposite approach to the advice of economists by issuing immediate spending cuts. This fiscal policy is inappropriate for the current economic situation. With large spending cuts, the government could push the economy back into another unwanted recession. With political campaigns for the United States Presidency heating up, Americans should not be
With this in mind, Barack Obama and John McCain both have many similar views on this topic. The economy is surprisingly America’s number one concern for the upcoming year, and both nominees are striving for votes. Both want to do what is best for the country, like lower gas prices, give jobs back to millions of Americans, and make lives better for the average middle class working family. Obama and McCain would both like to expand unemployment benefits making those who lost their jobs better off. Each of them plans to provide for the jobless and make room for many more opportunities of employment.
This is another reason for the American taxpayer to look down on upon welfare recipients. Our national economic situation is going create a longer list that will to have to go on welfare and it will not get any better if something is not done to fix it. Although some people who defraud the system are caught, too many more people get away with it. There are millions of Americans that use welfare as it is intended, they get off of it and become more productive members of society. It is up to our leaders to do what is best for the entire nation by passing new Welfare Reform legislation that will punish those more harshly and get the financial aid to