Analysis of Migrant Mother

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Ajam1 The picture of the migrant mother that was photograped by, Dorothea Lange, shows a distraught mother with three of her young children who all apear to be extremley filthy and tired. All four are under a dirty tent with very little space or room for every one as they seem depressed and scared. The mother appears to wonder off as if she is at her ends and does not know what to do. It seems as though they have very little and maybe are very hungry and haven’t bathed in days. The mother is sitting in the middle while leaning on her right arm with her hand to her face, as a very young child is laying in her other arm. To the right is another child, (maybe a boy) as the child is leaning on their moms sholder face down as if maybe they are crying? The other child, ( a girl) is laying on her moms left side with her arms folded and her face in between as if she were upset or just pure exsasted. It seems as thought the picture was taken in the day and that it was hot and humid, yet it feels as though there’s a storm abrewing, as it feels extremley dark and almost frightning. The mother and her three children pictured are already so dark and drewery that it adds to what the weather really is; meaning that they way they look and their suroundings along with their expressions of hopelessness only had to what the day may relly look like. It seems as though they may be in some camp sight full of other families that are in poverty like hers, that are not truly living or even surviving, just merely exsisting. Her emotion is limited, as she is either just very calm or beside her self with pure exsaustion. The children are very unkept and seem to be as distraught as their mother is. Ajam 2 In 1936 the great depression was mostly hard on all the farmers as not only did they suffer through the national economic crisis, but they went through a lot

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