Analysis of Insanity Commercial

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Lea Brown English Comp 1 Rhetorical Analysis Ad Assignment MLA September 22, 2013 Many people are convinced that they should all look like the fit and beautiful models in advertisements or on television. With that image in mind, many people are self conscious and want to achieve that appearance with their selves. There are millions of false and ineffective products that persuade consumers that they do not have to diet to lose weight, or if they take a pill, they will drop a large amount of weight in a short period of time without any exercise, which is completely unrealistic. Although most weight loss plans and fitness DVDs tend to be ineffective, some can be effective. One fitness DVD, many people have found to be most effective, time manageable and realistic is Insanity by professional fitness trainer, Shaun Blokker, better known as Shaun T. The Insanity work out, is for people who are physically and mentally ready to be in the best shape of their life, people who are not lazy, or make excuses. Insanity is for people that want to push themselves, who put forth effort, who want to take on a challenge, it is for people who feel pain and do not run from it. The Insanity advertisement describes how the program works, how effective it is, how difficult it can be, and who the work out is for. Dig deeper, is the motive for Insanity, the work out video is insane, time manageable, effective, and is for people who are willing to feel pain, and put forth the effort to achieve the body they want and to create a new healthy lifestyle, as the advertisement illustrates. Dig deeper is what Shaun T uses as a motivation key in Insanity. It is expressed as “pushing yourself, pushing yourself even more until you think you do not have any more left to give, and then Shaun T says yes you do, you have a little more” QUOTE To dig deeper is to see how far you are willing to go. In the

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