Analysis Of Dominos Pizza Ad Campaign

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The Reality behind Cardboard and Ketchup Pizza Domino’s Pizza has a new ad campaign steeped in the notion that confession, rebirth and forgiveness will persuade people to eat the company’s pizza again. One of the cardinal rules of advertizing is to not quote customers brutally criticizing the product, but this is the approach that Dominos Pizza recently used in the new ad campaign “the pizza turn around.” The advertisement is startling in the blatant honesty used to achieve their crucial objective of increased sales revenue. The winning aspect of this ad campaign is the reality approach that was used in styling the commercials. When using the reality-television influenced approach during an advertisement the viewer’s natural defense mechanism is disarmed. These commercials masquerade as documentaries and are designed to pierce through the viewer's built-up resistance to the normal scripted and acted commercials. Through the use of shock, transparency and apparent caring of customer’s values and opinions, along with the reality twist, the advertisement is at the least effective in drawing attention to Dominos Pizza, which can ultimately lead to better sales---at least temporarily. . Dominos Pizzas full uncut “Pizza Turn Around” ad starts off by showing varies clips of negative comments posted on blogs about the poor quality of Dominos pizza, with dramatic music to accentuate the dark mood. The CEO of the company fills the screen saying “there comes a time when you know you got to make a change” and then the title of the ad flashes dramatically “The pizza Turn around.” CEO Patrick Doyle goes on to tell the history of their company in an upbeat manner starting in the 1980’s. Domino's employees at the company's corporate headquarters confront negative feedback from the pizza-eating public. Among the actual customer quotes they read aloud "Domino's pizza crust to me
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