Analysis Of Declaration Of Sentiments And Resolutions By Elizabeth Cady Stanton

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Elizabeth Cady Stanton argues in the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions that men have set the stage for women’s rights by placing a higher standard on men. It is unfortunate to say that in the 21st century gender restrictions and double standards do still exist. Women are faced with double standards and restrictions in their everyday lives, most noticeably at home or in the work place. Though Stanton wrote this declaration 165 years ago, the fact remains true that men and women are still not treated with complete equality. Stanton wrote about how men and women were given a “different code of morals” (para.16) stating several facts in support of this. Stanton gives examples of just what the women could not do and the men could. She…show more content…
This quote from the declaration shows the restrictions that were placed upon women once upon a time. Men deprived women of an education as well as “rights given to the most ignorant and degraded men” (6). Now in this day and age education is given to everyone and women can become whatever profession they would like to. Inspiring as that is, men still dominate the workplace and for a typical family, it is still the man that goes to work and brings home the money. Even the women that do work and have well paying jobs, on average earn thousands of dollars less than the men. Looking at all the factors of a man and woman with the same major, job and work hours, men are paid 7% more than the women according to a CNN article titled “Female grads earn $8,000 less than men”. Though this is quite different than the restrictions Stanton listed off such as men “monopolizing nearly all profitable employments” (13), they are set backs and gender restrictions non-the less. Looking at the opposing view, that gender restrictions and double standards do not exist today, I can see where confusion may set in. I strongly believe double standards are placed upon men and women in many different ways but at the same time, the world is changing every day. Stay at home dads are becoming more and more common; paternity leave is an official thing now. There are self-made women in our world who are richer and stronger than almost all men out there; Oprah Winfrey being a great example. Today our world has become so evolved, very little is the same as Stanton has written in her

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