Cultural Competency Assessment Helping professionals must remain culturally competent. Helping professionals are in a field where cultural diversity is extremely high in numbers. Remaining aware of the many different cultures and what is and isn’t allowed will keep the professional in touch with their clients. Bodenhorn, Jackson, and Farrell (2005) stated “One of the challenges many individuals experience in recognizing and valuing other cultures is that they do not have an awareness of themselves as cultural beings”. It will also allow the professional to remain respectful of the client’s culture.
Socioeconomic class along with stratification have meaning only because of social psychology within the individual (Schaefer, 2011) and when motivating a group that surrounds an individual this is called conformity (kowalski & Westen. 2011) One might take part in the social strategy of blaming the victim when justifying an action. When considering conformity this can backfire if the out-group vises impose upon a person who is seeking to fit into a group. An example of this type of conformity happens considering bigoted lines of religion or race. However, one must assume that the environment is diverse then one will seek a group to join or follow a model.
Social Structures include: Family The State Economic arrangements. Sociology is often in agreement with common sense but differs in some basic ways. Common sense is the set a commonly shared ideas that we use in everyday life – and are often partial and misleading. When something happens we often ask ‘Why?’ We look for an explanation. By applying common sense to find an explanation, we risk making generalisations and not looking at the big picture.
While this characteristic does not fit in the usual sense of the word, appreciation can also mean the respect of one’s skills or abilities. While the family members do not act particularly grateful for each other, the do realize and respect each other’s talents. They appreciate each other enough that It is by using this appreciation to work around each other’s abilities that the family learns how to manipulate others and become the dominant dynasty that ruled England for so many years. Another important trait of strong families according to Stinnet is spending time together. While it does not seem like the family enjoys spending time with each other, in many ways they do.
The waters become murky, however, when one takes into account the amount of resources allocated to providing some services or procedures to certain patients. In Plato’s argument, he asserts that essentially, healthcare should be served in a manner that reflects the interests of the greater good. At what point does the greater good become more important than an individual though? Dr. Craig Wax asserts that in Plato’s society “physicians responded to the needs of the state by devoting resources to the workers, in the process ignoring the elderly, very young, critically ill, and those who were considered genetically inferior. Such practices can lead to vile immorality and atrocities.” By all accounts, empathy is one of the most important qualities in a humane society.
Socialized Medicine Socialized medicine has recently been a hot topic in today’s American Society. Many political leaders are pushing to have Americas health care system socialized. However many people feel that there are too many problems with it and do not want to separate from the American health care system. Both sides’ present good arguments as to why or why not America should convert to the socialized health care system. Created in 1970, socialized health plans provide free public healthcare.
From the Ethical Lens Inventory I have learned that I value equality. I think this is true for the most part because I like to see everyone being treated as equals no matter where it is. I know in some situations like the work place for instance, this is not true. Certain bosses like to choose favorites and let them get away with certain things that others can not get away with. As much as I hate to bring it up; I believe that race has a lot to do with how certain people are treated.
These abbreviations certainly save time and can expedite care, but they can also cause a multitude of problems. Abbreviations for differing medicines can be mistaken, Medical errors are typically caused by illegible writing and misrepresentations of some types of abbreviations when providing treatments or filling a prescription. As a result health care agencies, such as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations have required hospitals and other medical facilities to create a list of unacceptable abbreviations. Many facilities are also discouraging the use of abbreviations in medical records and documentation. Standardization is paramount and will require practice changes for all healthcare providers.
It has been practiced by many people, of different cultures, from different eras, and for a variety of purposes. However different these variables may be, the underlying principle remains the same: healing. The ends are the ultimate goal, despite the means by which they are attained. I think this is the greatest discrepancy between the two - western medicine has many other requisites to meet before healing can be pursued. Upon an observation of a healing property, a medicine needs to be developed that contains such a healing property but also should not be easily replicable.
“I just remember walking between them and feeling for the first time that I belonged somewhere”. Wanting to belong and the feeling that we get from belonging is what we strive for, which is in our human nature. The benefits we gain from belonging by far outweigh the costs but those costs are inevitable and can change a lot about ourselves. Our sense of identity can be compromised by belonging to a group. In Amish communities, individuals all obey the one simple way of living without modern technologies and plain dressing and face being shunned from the community if they do not respect the Amish way of life.