Analysis of a Hydrated Salt

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Section 1: Methods First, we started by weighing the “crucible”, with the electronic balance, which weighed approximately 19.071g. Then using the weighing paper, we weighed the copper sulfate, which weighed approximately 1.509g, we wanted a little more than one gram because through the whole process we wouldn’t be able to sustain the whole gram, in other words, we would lose some of it. Using the mortar and pestle we ground up the copper sulfate, after weighing it a second time it came out to be 1.424g. We then added the copper sulfate to the crucible, put the top on and placed it on the ring stand right above the butane burner that would soon heat the copper sulfate. After 5-10 minutes with the heat we started to observe a color change, after the CuSO4 (copper sulfate) cooled it had turned a grayish/ blue color. Using the electronic balance we weighed the CuSO4 with the crucible, which weighed 19.972 and subtracted the original weight of the crucible (19.972-19.071), which came to about .901, the weight of the leftover CuSO4. Heating to a constant mass is the only way to insure that the reaction is complete. It means checking the mass to ensure it is near each other at the end of a reaction. The color change in the copper sulfate when we heated it indicated that all of the water has evaporated, to be sure, we heated and weighed the crucible and CuSO4 again, and it came out to be .901g again. Finally, before disposing of the CuSO4 we added a little bit of water and observed the changes, the crucible quickly heated up and bonds were formed. Section 2: Results Measurement include: • The initial mass of crucible: 19.071g • The mass of the CuSO4: 1.509 • The mass of CuSO4 after mortar and pestle: 1.424g • The mass of the crucible and the CuSO4: 19.972g Observations: • The color change when the copper sulfate was heated,

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