Analyse the Ways in Which the Characters Speak to Each Other in Act One of Macbeth

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There are lots of types of different interactions between characters and false acts as well such as lady Macbeth greeting King Duncan with such grace. We know this to be a lie because she wants him dead. This shows a type of false respect but at the beginning Macbeth shows genuine respect for the King. This also links in with the way people are praised due to their military virtue and social honour and another one that is used is the manipulation technique shown by Lady Macbeth to Macbeth. One of the ways in which the characters interact with each other is by having genuine respect for one another. Macbeth decides he has too much respect for Duncan when he says ‘He hath hounor’d me of late’. Macbeth is having regrets about fantasizing to kill the king due to his respect for him and he doesn’t feel as though he needs more power. This is classified and proper respect because Macbeth is not lying or saying it because he has to. The reason Macbeth suddenly changes is because he has realised that Duncan genuinely has respect for him and lauds him often. Duncan says ‘O worthiest cousin, the sin of my ingratitude even now was heavy on me’. Duncan is praising Macbeth huge amounts because he feels Macbeth has fought bravely in battle and has come away with an extraordinary victory and this shows the respect given off by Duncan. Duncan also gives Macbeth the title of the Thane of Cawdor, which is big news, and when Ross brings the news he says ‘thy praises in his kingdom’s great defence’. This shows that Ross is another person respectful to Macbeth not because he has to but because he has earned it. Then there is a different kind of respect that is false and forced. Lady Macbeth says to Duncan ‘in every point twice done and then done double were poor’. Here she is saying if she had done double the amount of work she has done it would still not be enough for him. As we
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