Analyse the Importance of Early Identification of Speech, Language and Communication Delays and Disorders and the Potential Risks of Late Recognition

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CYPCORE31-4.1 ANALYSE THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLY IDENTIFICATION OF SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION DELAYS AND DISORDERS AND THE POTENTIAL RISKS OF LATE RECOGNITION What are speech, language and communication? Speech refers to Saying sounds accurately and in the right places in words, the sounds people use to communicate words, speaking fluently, without hesitating, or prolonging or repeating words or sounds, speaking with expression with a clear voice, using pitch, volume and intonation to support meaning. By language we mean both talking (expressive language) and understanding of language. By expressive language we mean; having words to describe objects, actions and attributes, using these words to build up sentences, using these sentences to build up conversations and narratives, following the rules of grammar, so that things make sense. By understanding we mean Processing and making sense of what people say Understanding words being spoken Understanding the rules of grammar used. By communication we mean the way in which language is used to interact with others, Using language in different ways to question, clarify, describe and debate. Using non-verbal rules of communication: listening, looking, and knowing how to take verbal turns and how to change language use to suit the situation. The ability to take into account other people’s perspectives, intentions and wider context. We need all three elements in order to get our messages across. Each of the three elements is multifaceted and multi-layered. Without aspects of any one of these elements, what children say and understand can become confused. With all these elements, children can maximise their attainment. It is extremely important to recognise potential problem and identify difficulties with speech, language as this could affect all of the other areas of development. If communication disorders are

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