Analyse How the Nhs Meets the Needs of Clients and How the Role of the Nurse Contributes to This

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Unit 2 HealthCare Assignment Analyse how the NHS meets the needs of clients and how the role of the nurse contributes to this Kerry-Ann Vickers Analyse how the NHS meets the needs of clients and how the role of the nurse contributes to this The NHS is a fundamental part of Britain and without it what would there be? This assignment discusses the history of the NHS, the new NHS reform and political ideologies of the NHS. It will also explain the important and growing role a Nurse has within todays NHS, discussing the professional regulations they have to follow to how they provide good quality of care. The NHS was launched on the 5th of July 1948 by a man called Aneurin Bevan. Bevan had big plans to provide good health care for all regardless of wealth. The three central principles Bevan had in mind were that it meets the needs of everyone, that it was free at the point of delivery, and finally that it be based on clinical need and not ability to pay. These principles are still in place today, remaining the core of the NHS principles (K.Fields, 2011) The current NHS is divided into two sections, Primary Care and Secondary care. Primary care is the first point of contact for the public and is provided by Walk in centres, GP practices, Dentists, opticians, pharmacists and so on (Clinton, 2011). Secondary care can be known as acute care including emergency care or specialist planned care such as surgery. At the very centre of the NHS there are the Primary care trusts, also known as the PCT’s. Primary care trusts are in charge of primary care and one of their main roles is to commission secondary care providing community care services. (Clinton, 2011) The NHS is primarily funded through general taxation, meaning the public pay towards it through tax on the money they earn. The NHS is funded using a similar system as the fire brigade, police departments and

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