Anagene Inc.

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------------------------------------------------- Anagene, INC Background Summary Anagene Inc. is a biotechnology startup started by Mark Hansen and Harold Bergman in 1993 in an emerging genomic research market. Gerald Kelly is entrusted with commercializing the innovative combination of microelectronics and molecular biology that Anagene had developed. With an IPO in 1998 and raising $42.9 Million the company decided to commercially launch their products in 1999. Their main intent was to promote their proprietary technology and the use of their workstations to fuel the sales of their disposable cartridges based on the razor/razor blade business model. Workstation & Cartridges Anagene’s first major product was their proprietary platform technology that included the workstation, a loader, a reader, and a disposable cartridge that contained the company’s proprietary microchip. The workstation was priced to be sold at $160,000 and the intent was to sell as many workstation as possible, to promote the sales of disposable cartridges. These disposable cartridges were priced at $150. The cartridges were designed for single use for more accurate results. It was expected that the sales of these cartridges will be the revenue generator for the company. Manufacturing Anagene had strategically decided to outsource the manufacturing of the workstations and partnered with Hitachi to both design and develop all future models that would help cut costs. However Anagene also built their own manufacturing plant to build the cartridges going with the principle that 70% of revenue would be generated by the consumables. The margins on these cartridges were expected to be far better than the workstations. Costing Anagene established its costing model based on projected future sales. Future sales included both internal and external consumption. With fluctuating and

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