An Unwelcome Surprise: Teen Pregnancy

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An Unwelcome Surprise: Teen Pregnancy Media today imposes negative influences on our youth. Things such as celebrities, movies, and music portray that rebellion is the key to happiness. This generation is being exposed to sexual impurity at a staggering rate; opposed to past generations. (Cornstock, “Media of the American Child”). "Children are influenced by media–they learn by observing, imitating, and making behaviors their own…" (Clark, “Influence on Children Media”). They are being exposed to more negative influences through music, television, and movies, planting a picture in their head that television shows and movies make it seem normal for teenagers to be sexually active at a young age. Teen pregnancy is on the rise and since 1973; abortions have increased by a shocking 500,000 (Minnesota citizens concerned for life). Teenage pregnancy is so high because the media advertises that it is “fun”; half of teen pregnancy’s end in either abortion or a miscarriage (Clark, “Influence on Children-Media). There are better alternatives to teen pregnancy than abortion, such as preventing unwanted teenage pregnancies in the first place, placing the baby up for adoption, or having the birth mother raise her baby. Teenage unwanted pregnancy is 100% preventable! Schools mainly teach “safe sex” but not abstinence. Statistics show that seventy percent of teenagers have become sexually active by the age of eighteen (eHow, “Reasons Why Teenagers get Pregnant”). It has also been shown that school’s that do not cover teen sex education in their health classes have a higher chance of the students engaging in activities that result in teen pregnancies (Atwood, "Reasons Why Teenagers Get Pregnant”). Some teenagers feel pressured by others, “…Often they feel pressure from their boyfriends: three out of four girls (75 percent) report that the reason they have sex is because their

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