An Unforgettable Boat Ride

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Assignment: Write about an experience you had with someone important to you. Look deep in your memory for the actual details. Use the five senses to help you recall images. “An Unforgettable Boat Ride” As I sit back and reminisce about my last trip from Anguilla to St. Maarten, I can’t contain the laughter from bursting forth. On my previous escalades to Anguilla, I have always travelled by boat. However, on this particular Saturday I decided to take a front seat, but little did I know that I was in for the ride of my life. I must say that for this exciting adventure I required an accomplice. So I convinced my cousin to accompany me. So there we were, basking in the splendor of cruising on the majestic Caribbean waters. My entire body was abuzz with excitement. Puff, puff, puff, vroom went the engine. When it finally started it was like music to my ears. Once we were off, all I could hear was the muffled engine under the surface, and the screams and laughter of everyone. Our idyllic voyage soon met an abrupt end. Momentarily our enjoyable ride was no more. The comfort, bliss and awesome feelings that we savored were short- lived. It disappeared quickly with the terror that we felt minutes after, when our adventurous ride became a total disaster. The calm soothing wave became angry. The tranquil blue sea transformed into a black roaring monster, seemingly intended on devouring the boat. We felt everything. We felt the impact of the boat as it crashed against the waves. It stroked the water repeatedly and violently. We heard the water as it smacked against the boat. It was terrible! Immediately my cousin began screaming. “I want to go back!” she yelled hysterically. I wanted to join her but my pride would not permit me, so I quickly composed myself. It was as though our boat had become a roller coaster. As the captain increased the velocity at which we
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