An Argument for Same-Sex Marriage

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All people are to understand that marriage is a sacred union. Because human beings propagate their species by sexual reproduction. But today, a new debate appears to the people. That is “Same-sex Marriage.” Same-sex marriage becomes popular debate between people. Lots of people believe that same-sex marriage should be legalized. America is a country founded on freedom and the idea that all people are created equal. They think that marriage has already been redefined as well as same-sex marriage is an inevitable truth. In fact, same-sex marriage should not be legalized by the government. It violates the natural law. Also, in the Christian religion, it is considered sinful to have an intimate relationship with a person of the same gender and would certainly be out of the question to consider allowing them to marry. The devastating effects the erosion of marriage in the increase of poverty and neglect among children. Thus, the sanctioning of same-sex marriage by government is a step too far in the liberalization of attitudes in this country and would only lead to confusion, harm and a further eroding of values that have served mankind well for thousands of years. If I stand at the position of children benefit and human, I believe same-sex marriage is wrong. The article The Family Research Council is written by several researchers who argue that children benefit from the care of a mother and father. They list many evidences. One of them is “children hunger for their biological parents.” It says that “...children of IVF often ask their single or lesbian mothers about their fathers, asking their mothers questions like the following...” (1) By this, we can know these children will be hopeless because they are different with other children whose parents are heterosexuality. The lack of fathers or mothers leads their families to be not complete. Families will direct
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