An Analysis of “the Storm”

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Jermaine White Professor Sandra Simonds English 102 8 September 2012 Is Calixta a Good or Bad Person: An Analysis of “The Storm” In Kate Chopin’s short story “The Storm,” Calixta (the wife) and Alcee (the former lover) are the two main characters of the story. The story takes place during a time when marriage was very sacred. Alcee is riding his horse near Calixta’s home when a bad storm approaches and he must seek shelter. Calixta husband and son are in town and must stay at a country store until the storm passes over. While Alcee is at Calixta home waiting out the storm, tension arises between the two former lovers which cause Calixta to commit adultery. After they make love and the storm is over, he rides off, and both of them act as if nothing had happened. Calixta is a bad person because she allowed her former lover in her home, committed adultery, and showed no remorse. To begin, it is no coincidence that Alcee and the storm arrived at the same time. Calixta should have never allowed her ex-lover inside her home because she still had romantic feelings for him. Chopin writes, “She had not seen him very often since her marriage, and never alone” (122). This was proof that she was avoiding him because she still had feeling for him. Chopin writes, “Alcee clasped her shoulders and looked her into her face” (123). She should have never allowed Alcee the opportunity to get into her personal space. This was the first inappropriate contact that occurred this evening. Chopin writes, “The contact of her warm, palpitating body when he had unthinkingly drawn her into his arms, had aroused all the old time infatuation and desire for her flesh” (123). Although Calixta is upset and frightened by the storm, she allowed herself to relax and become more comfortable in the arms of Alcee. Chopin writes, “He begin to push back her hair and stare at her lips as red and moist
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