An American Journey Through the Delusions of War

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An American Journey through the delusions of war Ambrose Bierce has always based his story on contrast between his main characters hopes and dreams and the spiteful truth that showed their insignificance. His attitude toward his own experiences is meaningful and makes him and according to Woodruff in his study The short stories of Ambrose Bierce he “react to war’s humorous side, or to the natural beauty of his surroundings” (38). This essay intends to examine the different themes brought in “Chickamauga” as well as the message that Bierce is trying to convey on the reality of war and its negative effects on men. In analyzing Ambrose Bierce’s “Chickamauga.”, this essay will show how both the setting and the different themes such as war and human ignorance are provided by the American’s history of war. They are showed through the use of historical references and through the young child’s innocence. Moreover, in exploring a young boy’s journey across the battlefield, this essay analyses the American delusion regarding its history and how it affects the people’s vision toward war. The author criticizes and denounces war’s denaturalization of men by using “Chickamauga”; the bloodiest and most significant battle of the American Civil war. Ultimately, in this war-based short story, Bierce tries to communicate an antiwar message through a lexicon of atrocious terms. He also uses the allegory of a young deaf mute boy playing at war to represent the contrast between the way the matters appear to the child and the actual American historical events. The whole setting of Bierce’s story is based on the battle of Chickamauga; the “bloodiest battle in the western theater” according to many historians that is also considered as a “pyrrhic victory” for the confederates (Blume, p. ). Chickamauga battle was a two days fight that took place on the night of September

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