Amphibian Lab Essay

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Objectives: The Objectives for our laboratory # 4 experience included: (i) observing the general external features of a typical amphian, (ii) draw neat labelled sketches of the external features of the amphibian, (iii) observe, identify and draw labelled diagrams of the frog’s skin and comment on the structure, (iv) dissect the frog and observe the internal structures, comment on all the system Introduction: Amphibians are vertebrates that spend part of their lives under water (breathing with gills) and the remainder on land (breathing with lungs). Amphibians are cold-blooded; their body temperature depends on the temperature of their environment. There are three groups (orders) of living amphibians: newts and salamanders (urodeles); frogs and toads (anurans); and caecilians (the worm-like gymnophiones). The earliest amphibians evolved in the Devonian period from lobe-finned fish that used their strong, bony fins to venture onto dry land. They were the top predators in the Carboniferous and Permian periods, but they later faced competition from their descendants, the reptiles, who were better-adapted to life on dry land. Many lineages came to an end during the Permian–Triassic extinction. One group, the metoposaurs, remained important predators during the Triassic, but as the world became drier during the Early Jurassic they died out, leaving a handful of relict temnospondyls like Koolasuchus and the modern orders of Lissamphibia. The purpose of this laboratory report is to examine the external and internal parts of the amphibian anatomy hence appreciating the ecology and evolution of these unique creatures. Materials: * Dissection pad * Paper towel * Dissecting kit * Digital camera * Paper * Pencil * eraser Procedures: 1. The frog specimen was placed in the dissecting pad provided, paper towel was used to keep the

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