American Scripture: Story Of Courage, Community, And War

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U.S. History Biography Assignment In an effort to assist you in your understanding of how historians research and write material about people making contributions to the political, economic, or social issues of American history, please select one of the following projects for the summer: 1a) read a biography of a male or female between 1607 and 1990 that is of interest to you. Find a biography about that person by a respected historian and read by August 24, 2009; and 1b) write a critique of the biography to include how primary and secondary sources were used, the kind of story told by the historian/biographer, and sufficient information so you can critique the author’s work. Usually a biography of at least 250 pages to 600 pages + is required to meet…show more content…
American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence (New York: Vintage Books: A Division of Random House, Inc., 1997). Philbrick, Nathaniel. Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War (New York: Viking: Penguin Group, 2006; or 3) reading 5 book excerpts and critiquing 3 movies from the following list: SUMMER READINGS: Choose 4 of the novels below from Part IIa and 1 from Part Ia. Read 1chapter from each book selected (not the first chapter). Summarize the three most important ideas that are generated from each chapter read. What themes are covered in each book(use Appendix I for assistance)? Describe the author’s expertise in the area. SUMMER MOVIES: Choose at least 2 movies from Part IIa, 1 from Part Ib. Who are the major characters? Write a brief synopsis of the movie. Describe how was the movie related to American History. Part II a. Part II b. Civil War and Reconstruction Civil War and Reconstruction John Waugh. Reelection of Lincoln Gone With the Wind Bruce Catton. (Any choice) Dances with Wolves James McPherson. Battle Cry Freedom Glory Drew Gilpin. This Republic of Suffering Autobiography of Miss Jane

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