AHMIA keeps professionals up to date on issues in HIM field and gives access to recourses to further education and skills. AHIMA is also interestingly one of four parties responsible for the ICD-10. Professional Journals • Medical News Today (MNT). Medilexicon International Ltd. www.medicalnewstoday.com. Medical News Today is an online publishing company, founded in 2003.
Its Primary purpose is to ensure quality patient care and managing the cost of that care. Its secondary purpose as defined by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) deals with individual users for education, regulations, policies and public health from data entered, verified, corrected or analyzed directly or indirectly. Homeland Security has recently been added to the list of users, including patient care providers, managers and staff, coders and patients themselves. Patients can make changes as necessary. Other users might include lawyers, employers, law enforcement and researchers.
This Code of Ethics ensures that, if a person voices their opinion and does not correlate to your own reasoning, you should allow them to voice it and respect it even if you don’t agree. We have that freedom to do so. Apart of being employed, you must represent the profession to the public in a positive matter. It is noted in the A.H.I.M.A Code of Ethics that we should: “7.1. Be an advocate for the profession in all settings and participate in activities that promote and explain the mission, values, and principles of the profession to the public.” Having to been a Nail Technician for almost five years, people have turned to the internet to talk about their experiences in the salon.
They develop evidence-based guidelines on the most effective ways on how to make a diagnosis, give out the right treatment and preventing diseases and ill health. They’ve recommend people on big causes of ill health such as smoking, obesity and consuming a large amount of alcohol. Choosing health 2004 For this the government had to listen to what the public said they want from the government to help or improve their health. The government will try and help people’s health by encouraging them to stop smoking in public places and work places as the people who are none smokers don’t have to breathe in the smoke. They will give the public the chance to have a health guide to give those help and advice on being health.
Theories and Models of Health Education Sarah Dean HCA 331: Introduction to Health Care Education Instructor Nina Bell March 19, 2012 Health Belief Model Among the social cognition models, health belief model is the most widely known. This psychological and health behavior change model results from 1966 work of Irwin Rosenstock who developed it to help in study and promotion of health services uptake . At first, this model was used chiefly in prediction of behavioral responses to treatment given to chronically or acutely ill patients (Glanz, 2002). Currently, it is used in predicting other general health behaviors. This model deals with issues pertaining to why people may or may not seek treatment or preventive measures looking at issues like perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived barriers and perceived benefits.
However there are two types of infection control barrier and isolation nursing (Garner 1996). In the UK hospital infection rates are higher than the average. In an attempt to reduce rates of infection the Department of Health produced a national strategy to tackle it (DH 2003, 2005). The strategies are based on best practice evidence, such as; adequate systems and policies for surveillance, strict anti-biotic prescribing policies, and clear procedures for isolating infection and being actively involved in raising awareness of infection prevention strategies (The royal Marsden 2007). This was set out by the NMC (2004) and the DOH (2003), it is the responsibility of every health care provider to keep up to date with effective infection control policies and procedures both personally and in terms of patients.
Health care organizations should ensure pamphlets provide to the community is easy to understand and appropriate for the target audience. Topic Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States ("Centers For Disease Control And Prevention", n.d.). There are several preventable risk factors that contribute to heart disease, therefore people should be aware of what they are. Health promotion pamphlets are one way in which organizations educate the public on awareness. The "Personal Best" (2015) website has brochures or pamphlets for purchase by organizations for use in educating the general public on certain topics.
Honesty is defined as the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness. It means a behavior free from cheat and deceit. It is also free from all kinds of unethical motive. This term is so important in everyday life because it’s the simple basis of how we carry out routine activities and foundation to building any relationships. Everybody in the world interacts with one another and when honesty is neglected problems tend to arise.
The relevancy of effective personal healthcare communication with other healthcare professionals, clients, patients It is very important for the health care team to communicate with all team members regarding assessment, intervention, outcomes, and client status. The healthcare team consists of the client and all medical personnel involved in providing care and all members of the team perform different and important roles in the delivery system. The breakdown of communication between different team members can interfere with the client’s treatment and could lead to adverse healthcare outcomes (Lowenburg, 2003).The relevancy of effective professional healthcare communication to health outcomes Effective communication is also relevant to the health care communication because it provides an avenue for achieving health care goals. Health communication is important to ensure the patient’s safety at the highest quality of care possible. Successful communication between health care professionals and the patient is a vital component for enhancing patient compliance, satisfaction, and outcomes.
Comparative effectiveness research has proven itself to be an important component in health care for identifying the best and most cost-effective interventions and standardizing their use. “A Comparative Effectiveness Research System (CER System) is a mechanism for synthesizing research about different medical interventions and translating it into guidelines for or restrictions on the use of different types of therapies, in an attempt to maximize good outcomes for patients” (Jonas, 278). The main goal of the CER System is to maintain and standardize quality and of health care and control the costs. In the comparative effectiveness research system, researchers can compare the benefits and harms of treatments, procedures, medications, and many more aspects in healthcare to see which one is more effective in preventing, diagnosing, treating, or even monitoring patients conditions. Treatments and procedures can be very different depending on the situation, and the comparative effectiveness research system develops the most effective approach to every situation.