American Dream Research Paper

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What is the American Dream? How does the American Dream change for people of differing backgrounds and/or time periods? Rene de Visme Williamson once stated, “If the American dream is for Americans only, it will remain our dream and never be our destiny.” America is made up of a variety of ethnicities, religions, cultures, races, and backgrounds. According to migration information, about 1.3 million people currently immigrate to our country every year. With these immigrants, come the differences each share regarding this so called “American Dream.” Depending on factors such as family support, background, and attitude, the American Dream may change in its details from individual to individual; however, all who come to this country or who were born here ultimately desire freedom. America won its independence from Great Britain fighting for their freedom and that is exactly what immigrants have been doing; they are facing “battles”, whether it’s internal or external, to get to what they eventually have in America, as quoted by Thomas Jefferson, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The American poet, born in New York, Emma Lazarus is best known for “The New Colossus” a sonnet written in 1883. It’s line written on a bronze plaque in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty placed in 1903. As a Jewish American woman, Emma Lazarus faced the challenge of belonging to two, often, conflicting worlds. As a woman she dealt with unequal treatment in both. The difficult experiences lent power and depth to her work. At the same time, her complicated identity has obscured her place in American culture. Her sonnet reflects on her beliefs that freedom is here in America! She states, “A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is imprisoned lightening, and her name Mother of Exiles.” (499) What she is trying to convey here is that Lady Liberty is here to symbolize the freedom

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