“Amadeus vs. Mozart’s Real Life”

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Music Appreciation MUSI 1306 63002 Comparison: The Movie “Amadeus vs. Mozart’s Real Life” Although the 1984 movie “Amadeus” was absolutely an entertaining and well played by many actors, there were many differences in it and the true life of Mozart. Mozart’s Requiem provides an intriguing history. According to Albert Borowitz, the commissioning of the Requiem was nearly as mysterious as the film portrays. He tells the story this way: “Around July of 1791, when Mozart’s work on The Magic Flute was virtually complete and rehearsals had already begun, Mozart received a visit from a tall, grave-looking stranger dressed completely in gray. The stranger presents an anonymous letter commissioning Mozart to compose a Requiem as quickly as possible at whatever price the composer wished to name. Mozart accepted the commission, but put aside his work on the Requiem when he received an offer to write an opera, La Clemenz di Tito, for the coronation of Emperor Leopold in Prague. Just as Mozart and his wife were getting into the coach to leave for Prague, the messenger appeared, it is said, “like a ghost” and pulled at Constanze’s coat, asking her, “What about the Requiem?” Although it would be foolish to say that a proud Austrian such as Mozart didn't enjoy alcoholic beverages, he certainly wasn't an alcoholic, as the movie portrays him to be near the end of his life. His favorite drink was punch, which his friends said he drank in large quantities. Mozart married Constanze before his father's consent letter arrived in the mail. However, the movie makes it appear as if Leopold never consented to the marriage. Leopold was always somewhat cool toward Constanze, but he did consent to the marriage. Amadeus and Stanzi had six children. Unfortunately, only two survived to adulthood, Karl Thomas and Franz Xaver Wolfgang. We only see the one son, throughout the movie.

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