am I a citizen

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Am I a citizen? A citizen is defined as a person living in a city or town or as a person with full membership of a country. For example I have a British Passport which therefore gives me citizenship of Great Britain. Citizenship can have different meanings as it can also mean being part of a group or of an organisation. Examples of this could be sports clubs or religious groups. At the age of eleven I was a member of my local football team Woking Boys. I had been part of the team for five years. Within the club it became a tradition to take part in a tournament which is played in Belgium when you are in the eleven years age category. This meant travelling to Belgium with the team, the manager and some parents. The parents stay in a local hotel while the players each stay with a family of one of the boys in the opposing team. Although accommodation isn’t charged for there are still many factors which make the trip an expensive excursion. The initial cost became a problem as not every player’s family could afford to pay for the trip. I therefore decided that we should try and raise funds in order to lower the cost of the tour. I had previously been to an auction of goods and promises at a school and decided to organise a similar event within the football club in order to create revenue. I started off by writing to companies whom I felt may offer me auction items. These companies varied from the local fish and chip shop to Tesco supermarket. Within a week of sending off my requests I had already started receiving merchandise, tickets to football matches, health club memberships, theme park tickets and much more. My target was to have around 80 prizes for the auction. These prizes could also include donated goods and promises form parents of the football team. For example we were offered an hour of ironing, two hours of gardening and some parents donated goods for

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