Altruism, "From Jerusalem to Jericho"

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Altruism by defintition, is providing help when it is needed, without any apparent reward for doing so. Today I’m presenting an experiment that was done about good Samaritans In 1973, John Darley and Daniel Batson published this experiment looking into helping behavior. The study was entitled “From Jerusalem to Jericho: A study of situational and dispositional-variables-in-helping-behavior”. The Jerusalem to Jericho study was effectively a modern-day reenactment of the Parable of the GoodSamaritan. The study involved seminarians preparing for the ministry. The seminarians were randomly assigned to one of two groups. The first group was asked to prepare a sermon on the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The second group prepared a sermon on a non-helping subject. The seminarians were then scheduled to deliver this sermon at an appointed time and place. Upon arriving at the designated place the seminarians were told that the location of the sermon had been changed at the last minute and that they were to go to a new location. At this point the seminarians were randomly assigned again, this time into three groups. A third of the seminarians were put under strong time pressure, told that they needed to get to the new venue in a hurry (the high hurry condition). The second third was put under moderate time pressure (the intermediate hurry condition). And finally, the final third was told that they could take their time getting to the new venue (the low hurry condition). After this hurry manipulation the seminarians were pointed to the exit and directed to proceed to the next venue. Along the route (an alleyway) to the next building They had placed a person who showed signs of distress. Specifically, they were sitting slumped against the wall, head down and eyes closed. As the subjecst passed, the man would cough twice and groan. Basically, he showed signs of

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