Alternative Energy Sources

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Alternative Energy Sources in Indonesia Energy is an indirectly observed quantity, which comes in many forms, stated by Douglas Harper in Online Etymology Dictionary. Energy is the most important thing on earth, without it, humans cannot survive on their daily lives. There are a lot of types of energy, such as thermal energy, electric energy, radiant/light energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, and many more. The energy we usually use for our daily life are electric energy and thermal/heat energy. We light our house, watching television, charge our phone, and turn the air conditioner on, all using the power of electric energy. The use of thermal energy can be seen by cooking our meal and warming our house. As a country that has a big gap between the need of energy use and energy supplies, the energy usage in Indonesia is bigger than Singapore and Thailand. Munir Ahmad, head of Electricity Pusdiklat (Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pegawai Departemen Pendidikan Nasional), said that 80-90% of area with electricity in Indonesia is inside Java Island, while the average of area with electricity outside Java is only 50%. It also stated in National Energy Efficiency Conference in 2012 that Indonesia's elasticity energy index is 1,63, which is higher that Singapore that only reach 1,1, and Thailand that reach 1,4. “United States’ elasticity energy index is only 0,26, while Japan is 0,1, and German is -0,12. So compared to this developed countries, Indonesia has not use the energy on its own country efficiently,” said Tubagus Haryono, the head of BPH Migas. According to Evita Legowo, the General Director of Oil and Gas Department is ESDM, there are 2 reasons why Indonesia has a really high number of elasticity energy index. They are the people’s lifestyle, and the consument purchasing power. The first reason is about Indonesian lifestyle, especially consumerism.

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