Alternative Dispute Resolution

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has many features that make it preferable to the ordinary court system in many areas. The main types of ADR that deal with consumer disputes are arbitration, tribunals, mediation and conciliation. ADR main advantage is that the procedure is confidential, it is less antagonistic than the more normal legal system, and is designed to achieve agreement between the parties involved, and is also cost less than going to court. Settling a dispute using ADR is usually much quicker than using the court system. If necessary, an ADR process can be arranged at very short notice like urgent cases may be heard in a matter of hours. ADR also takes less time than litigation when resolving a dispute. ADR professionals bring to bear a high level of experience and specialised knowledge that helps bring about an effective resolution and safeguards against mistakes being repeated. ADR is a specialist from within a particular trade or industry is able to suggest a reasonable solution which will be acceptable to the parties involved. ADR is conducted in private and confidence, therefore avoiding publicity from the media. The public are also unable to attend. It is protecting the reputation of individuals, corporations and brands from negative public, press or market interest. All forms of ADR are far cheaper than taking a case to court. Even a successful party will incur unrecoverable costs, litigation is expensive and the longer it takes, the more expensive it becomes. ADR can control over costs and the potential to settle earlier. Every case resolved using ADR also saves the Government money. ADR is a very flexible device for the resolution of all types of disputes, from a single case to a series of related claims. ADR is to find a compromise solution which is acceptable to both parties. Court proceedings create a winner and a loser. Using
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