How can alternative sources of energy be harnessed effectively? We are running out of our most important natural source of energy, fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are non-renewable natural fuels that were formed by the decomposition of animal and plants that lived up to 100-300 million years ago and humans cannot manufacture Fossil Fuels. The price of fossil fuels is also rising across the globe and when the fossil fuels are burned, it damages the already deteriorated environment. The burning of the fossil fuels is also the main contributor to global warming.
Everything in the world living and nonliving are affected by the consumption of energy for example when using a electric hybrid vehicle we use less gas but then we use more electricity; we give up one resource for the use of another. Energy is made by coal, oil, and also can be made by natural renewable resources like wind power, biomass fermentation, and also solar power. Coal and oil are nonrenewable resources that we have to dig out of our earth to use and
Benzene has been known to be a carcinogen, while the rest of the chemicals are unknown what long term damage it could cause. Another danger of fracking are spills. Spills occur during the adding of the fluids as well as during the results of the flow back. Drill operators will eventually have spills throughout this process. Hoses can be undone, gaskets can fail, pits leak and liquids always hit the ground, repeatedly in large quantities.
Period-7 Pros: If the Yucca Mountain is used as a nuclear waste depository then it will help store the large amount of nuclear waste that has been piling up in the nuclear power plants for many years. This build-up of nuclear waste poses a hazard to the areas that surround the power plants (such as New York City). The Yucca Mountain Depository resides is in a sparsely populated area and lies over 100 miles from the nearest city. Also the government already owns the land so it would be a waste if they did not use it for anything. The government has spent 10 billion dollars on the Yucca Mountain project already so it would be a waste to not use it, don’t we want our tax dollars to be well spent?
These activities have distorted the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases – primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide (EPA, The Climate). What is the cause of global warming and if it serious what is being done to end it. What will be the effects on earth if global warming continues, and last but not least what is occurring around us at this very moment from global warming? Many of these questions are being asked by scientist and are being researched to find more plausible answers and predictions for us. Global warming is found to be caused by the greenhouse effect.
In fact, without it, the “Earth’s average surface temperature would be a frigid 0 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) rather than its actual average temperature of around 59 °F.” (Turk, Bensel, 2011) If we did not have these natural gases we would not be discussing global warming. We would instead be trying to find a way to heat things up and dig our way out of ice. There are many scientists and others who feel that global warming is not due to humans, but instead point to the sun as the cause. “Climate change contrarians often point to the sun as the driver of extra-human global warming. The fact that the sun has been ruled out as the cause of global warming by solar
Although we may be able to sustain a planet with some kind of civilization, the earth that we knew is gone. Oil and fossil fuels are attributed to manual labor and why we are prosperous and why our economies have grown. It is also why we have global warming and acid oceans. Rising temperatures and depleting oil reserves go hand in hand. Modernity may cease with global warming as half the biggest companies are oil companies, and oil is the essence of life.
Hydrofracking has some positive affects on us. Some pros of hydrofracking is: · Hydrofracking is a way to get natural gas which is a fossil fuel. · Eco-friendly to burn natural gas. · Natural gas can substitute for coal and oil. · We get natural gas domestiscally rather than internationally.
It is mindboggling that there still are some people who do not seemed to be worried. It is possible that they do not realize it because they do not really “understand it”. Global warming is when the earth heats up and the temperature rises. It happens when greenhouse gases like carbon, dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide and methane trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere. With too many greenhouse gasses in the air, the earth’s atmosphere traps too much heat and light and eventually the earth get too hot and the temperature rises.
Many are quick to blame large coal plants, especially when cleaner alternatives exist, for the massive amounts of smog and greenhouse gases suffocating our planet. In fact, the demand for the energy from coal plants or cleaner sources like wind (which still has pollution associated with it) is what drives air pollution. Only when the individual curbs consumption of energy will we concomitantly be able to curb the production of horrible airborne pollutants. A mixture of conservation and efficiency on the personal, or individual scale, is the only thing that can truly address the air pollution problem, not corporate fuel-switching or governmental mandates that may or may not be obeyed or enforced. Second, endangered species protection has been bolstered in recent years by a focus on habitat preservation that depends on the will and cooperation of understanding, educated individual landowners.