Alternate Method for Determinig Plastic Limit of Soils

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CHAPTER 1 1.1. INTRODUCTION Consistency is defined as the relative ease with which soil can be deformed .Consistency limits are the water contents at which soil mass passes from one state to the next .The physical condition of fine-grained soil can be defined by its consistency limits. Soil behaves more like a solid at very low moisture content and will flow like a liquid when the moisture content is very high. Thus, the soil behaviour depends on the moisture content. Hence, on an arbitrary basis, depending on the moisture content, soil can exist in four basic physical states. They are solid, semisolid, plastic and liquid. The limits are defined in terms of the water content of the soil, and are traditionally known as the Atterberg limits. The consistency limits are applicable only to fine-grained soils, as these have the ability to retain water in pore spaces under suction. The most commonly used consistency limits are the liquid limit and the plastic limit. The liquid limit defines the water content at which the behaviour of the soil changes from the liquid state to the plastic state. The plastic limit defines the water content at which the behaviour of the soil changes from the plastic to the semi-solid states. The limit tests are therefore useful for gaining an insight into the fundamental behaviour of soil such as permeability, shear strength and compaction characteristics. Moreover, they provide an effective way of distinguishing a soil’s type: that is, classifying it as either silt or clay fraction dominant. In this project, experiments will be conducted on soil samples using the cone penetration method. It is proposed to calibrate the cone available in the geotechnical laboratory of NIT Calicut and prove the reliability of this method as an easy and practical alternate for determining plastic limit. RELEVANCE AND SCOPE Index

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