Alleviate Work Stress

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Alleviate Work Stress Work related stress is a widespread problem in the workplace today. There are many different causes of stress, called stressors and they vary from person to person. People must be aware of the signs of stress, and try to prevent it before it begins affecting their lives. Stress has both mental and physical effects on people. Workers who are stressed are also more likely to be unhealthy, poorly motivated, less productive and less safe at work. If there is an unhealthy level of stress and it is not reduced or prevented, it can lead to many health problems, mental problems and family problems. Stress at work can be a real problem to the organization as well as for it’s workers. There are many things that both employees and employers can do to alleviate or prevent stress in the workplace. The three most commonly proposed solutions to this widespread problem are making to-do list, changing the activity, and communicate with others. The first solution, making a to-do list is a good way for workers so they don’t get frustation when facing many of works. Susan Shankel the author Giving A Way Success (Random Hause) book said that you should make master plan. Begin by making a to-do list of all your works and then prioritize what the work that should be done first or you can put the easiest work on first place so you don’t end up in a frustation. Never do other works unless you have done your priority and don’t ever try to multitasking. ( ) Another solution to alleviate work stress is to change the activity. Margiati (1999:77-78) said that if a worker feel his/her tension about to rise they should do “time out”. The time out can be done in various ways such as taking a rest for a while but still in the workpace, going out to get fresh air, going to restroom to wash
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