The American Revolution did not satisfy the colonial goals for civil, political, social, and economic rights; however the Constitution did. All the American Revolution did was drive the British out of America. With the British gone the Americans had the ability to strive for civil, political, social, and economic rights, but the Articles of Confederation became an obstacle in their path to their rightful goals. During the American Revolution the American people wrote a lot about what they wanted to accomplish and attain. In Document A, the Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking Up Arms, it is written that the American people feel they have been wronged by England because their rights are restricted and wish for these basic rights to happiness and such.
The idea of Nationalism between the British North American colonies did not seem logical in the ninetieth century due to the vast cultural differences spanning from east to west. John A. MacDonald, leader of the Tories, thought otherwise. With a great understand of sociology and seeing the “bigger picture”, he was able to convince the colonies to come together. The illegal Alabama and Trent Affairs, as well as the raids by the angry American-Irishmen proved to be some of the external pressure for confederation. Political Deadlock initiated internal pressure resulting in multiple conferences to discuss this great coalition.
The mistake that Madison made was going to war with Great Britain. They were worried because they believed that Americas “peace, prosperity and happiness… are in Great jeopardy… the general government have determined to make war on Great Britain” (I). There are many reasons that he should have not gone to war with Britain such as there is not enough troops to fight a good battle, this will only hurt our economy and bring us more into debt, and since we are always fighting Britain about something was this a real reason for a war? The first reason Madison should not have gone to war with Great Britain is this. There are not enough troops in America to successfully produce a war.
Class 5 Essay The road to the American Revolutionary War was one that was filled with events that caused a separation between the British and the American colonists. Rebellion in the colonies and the British decision to tax the colonist directly without representation in the Parliament made the idea of war inevitable. Britian’s recent victories against the French and Indians in the Seven Year’s War gave them a sense of undefeatable power and instead of negotiating with the colonist they prepared for war. There were many factors that the British did not consider in preparing for war against America which would eventually result in their defeat. This essay will outline the advantages as well as the disadvantages that the British faced in this war with America.
The American government went out of its way to portray communists as scarier and more not the same as what Americans were. They propagandized the scary aspects of the Soviet totalitarian system. Socialist Soviet became bigger when the World War II created a strong anti-communist movement that was irritated by propaganda. It made American’s fearful and stronger movement to help the United States to against communist states. Anti-communist propaganda brought America several medium including books, pamphlets, comics, films, and radio during the Cold War.
Under the control of England, the colonists experienced their fair share of ups and downs from the year 1750 until 1776. Oppression from the British was an important issue that the colonists felt needed to be addressed with action. By the eve of the Revolution, the colonists had established their own identity which led to them uniting in opposition to the British. It was important that the colonists established an identity for themselves because it set them apart from the controlling Britons. In his notes for speech in parliament on February 3, 1766, Edmund Burke elaborated on how the colonies were too different from the country of Great Britain and that they could not blend in with the mass.
Washington realized that the economic problems the U.S. was having and the threat of rebellious conflict was the result of the inadequate government under the Article of Confederation. His intellectual proficiency brought to his attention the need to revise the government. His intellect is seen here in his proposal on how they should revise the constitution. Washington says, “That which takes the strongest course to obtain them, will, in my opinion, under present circumstances, be found best. Otherwise, like a house on fire, whilst the most
The colonies however, felt that they fought the war side by side with the British, causing the two groups to have different political ideas. British politics felt that it would be just to impose taxes on the Americans in order to pay off their war debt that had accumulated. Taxes were imposed on nearly everything in the colonies in order for Britain to payoff debt; these taxes simply outraged the colonists which is the start of the conflict between America and Britain. Taxes such as the Stamp Act, which placed a tax on any printed document that was purchased, and the Tea Act, which placed an insane tax on tea in the colonies, and basically cutoff colonists from finding a cheaper price for tea, pushed the colonists overboard, leading them to rebellions. One of these rebellions was the Boston Tea Party, where colonists dressed up as Indians and threw the entire stock of British tea into the Boston Harbor, which was one of America’s first major acts of independence towards Britain.
It has been argued even further to say it was time well worth spending in Iraq and Vietnam. When analyzing these points one must understand that at that point in time America was deathly scared of communism and instilled an idea in their heads that if not for entering the war at that moment, then communism would make its way around to other countries and finally reach America. However, our government made the fatal mistake of failing to look in the long run and see that America was already a strong nation and by entering a war that would not certainly end communism the government weakened every aspect of the economy. In accordance, Iraq was completely uninvolved in the terrorist attack on 9/11, the accusation of concealing “weapons of mass destruction” was completely false, and having now realized that the only weapons they did have were from a purchase from the United States to them several years
The second reason why politics was the cause of the civil war, Politicians had long recognized that group conflict was endemic to American society and that the vitality of individual parties depended on the intensity of their competition with opposing parties. Thomas Jefferson had perceived in 1798 that “in every free and deliberating society, there must, from the nature of man, be opposite parties, and violent dissensions and discords.” “Seeing that we must have somebody to quarrel with,” He wrote John Taylor, “I had rather keep our New England associates for that purpose, than to see our bickering transferred to others.” They deplored the lack of internal discipline and cohesion in the Jeffersonian Republican party once the federalists disappeared, and they moved quickly to remedy