Ali Ibn Abu Talib

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Ali ibn abi Talib’s full name is: Ali ibn abi Talib ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd-Munaf. He was born in the year 600 A.D on the 13th of Rajab in Mecca. Ali was the son of Abu Talib, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad, and Fatima bint Asad. The prophet (s) raised Ali, because he was the son of his uncle, Abu Talib. He wanted to return a favor because he had taken care of him when he was young. So he took and raised one of his children. Ali became a Muslim at a very early age. He had 5 siblings: Talib, O’kal, Ja’far, Um- Hani, and Jumana. One day when Ali (R) was still a young boy, he saw Prophet Muhammad (s) and Khadija praying. He asked them what they were doing. Prophet Muhammad answered,” This is the religion of Allah and I am His messenger. So become Muslim, Oh Ali.” Ali answered, “Oh Mohammed, this is something new, give me time to think about, it and let me ask my father first.” Prophet Mohammed answered,” Become Muslim or be quiet” the second day Ali said to rasoolallah, “repeat what you said yesterday.” When he repeated, Ali said,” I believe in you and I shall be quiet. His first wife was Fatima (R), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (S). He got married to her when she was 18 years old. She gave birth to 4 children: Al-Hassan, Al-Hussein, Zainab, and Um-Kulthoom. She died after the Prophet(s) by 6 months, when she was 26. He also had a lot of children from other women after the death of Fatima. He was one of the most heroic companions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was known to be brave and courageous in every battle he fought for the support of the cause of Islam. Ali distinguished himself as a great warrior in the battle of Badr, Uhud and The Ditch. During the year of Muhammad's migration to Medina, in 622, Ali was willing to risk his life so that Muhammad could escape in safety. He tried to imitate the Prophet in his bed so the enemy
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