Akhenaten's Art Work Compared To Narmer Pallette

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Narmer Pallette is portrayed as a king with power and a divine right to rule. The significance of his size and central position reflexes on his great importance. In this artwork two crowns represent his powerful duties as a ruler; the hedjet and the deshret. This form of artwork represents hierarchal scale because of the dominate size and importance of the Narmer Pallette. The servants also represent the Narmer palette as a hierarchal scale by holding his sandals meaning he was on holy grounds. On contrast the Akhenaten and family portray themselves as the man/father and women/queen figures of the family. There is no greater dominance from the king towards the queen. That to me shows their equal values towards one another in their family. In this artwork it also shows great family values because it includes the three daughters, the king, and queen all seating together were each one of the daughters are doing something differently towards one of their parents. It also reflects the pharaoh’s family by showing the bonding that is taken place through the art. The Amarna Revolution was changed from the politics of ancient Egypt from its conventional style by challenging the entrenched religious cults and the established priest that been in control for long periods of time. A religious system called the, “Monotheistic”, was formed that was not popular. Aten was known as the primary god. Akhenaten was the new name for Amenhotep meaning the servant of Aten. He wiped out everything dealing with the other gods. Once doing so he moved all the people to a place known as, “Tell-el-Amarna”. Akhenaten’s new religious purpose was now causing great danger towards priesthood and its traditions. Since the attempt was to get rid of the beliefs of worshipping many of gods was not successful, Egypt went back to their previous beliefs. Indicating to believe in more then one god. The

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