Air Pollution Assignment

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Written Assignment Introduction to Environmental Sciences Unit 6 2 Introduction Briefly, air pollution is the undesirable presence of impurities in the atmosphere. It can also be defined as the change of the quality of air by chemical, biological, physical agents or gaseous and radiological pollutants in air that have detrimental consequences to human health, living beings, climate, or material goods. According to an article retrieved from air pollution is the introduction by man directly or indirectly, into atmosphere and the space substances having harmful consequences which endanger human health, harm breathing, biological resources and…show more content…
In my community, their presence is due to industries, vehicles, gas-fueled appliances, and coal-fired irons. We cannot ignore the bad state of the engines of our vehicles which serve us at will their black smoke, the use of charcoal and kerosene lamps which also are sources and cause of air pollution in my country. Tobacco smoke is another pollutant for both the air and human being containing noxious substances as nitrogen monoxide, benzene, carbon monoxide, ammonia, hydrocyanic acid, and heavy metals. Indeed, the smoke is very dangerous; it irritates the eyes, nose and throat of people exposed it, increases the risk of lung cancer of non-smokers exposed and the frequency and state of asthma attacks from asthmatics. The smoke also develops respiratory problems, and increases the risk of sudden death from infants exposed to it. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified it in 2017 as a carcinogen states the Journal “Le Nouvelliste” in the section entitled “The pollutants of the country” In sum, the tobacco smoke is one of the greenhouse gases involving in global warming and destruction of the atmospheric…show more content…
During this unit, I realized that I could be applied my skills to helping improve air quality in my community. Therefore, nevertheless I must walk instead of taking a taxi or drive a car that provides carbon dioxide. I realized that I could buy energy efficient products too in order to save energy at home, I could also advise people that do not have this opportunity to learn about the environment and how to protect it. I could also show them the importance to produce less pollutants by reducing for example the use of electricity. Conclusion Written Assignment Introduction to Environmental Sciences Unit 6 4 Air pollution becomes a very costly environmental problem in terms of human lives and billions of dollars lost for health care spending and damage to crops. It remains an important phenomenon that should concern everyone. Considering its impact on human life such as female infertility, reduction of life expectancy, implication of cancer, and even the end of humanity. This phenomenon should be controlled and take into
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