Air Arabia Marketing Strategies

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OUTLINE * Introduction * Case Analysis * 8 questions * Latest Happenings * Conclusion * References * INTRODUCTION In 1982, facing the circumstances of excess milk supply compared to low demand for it, the California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) hired the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the growth options for California’s dairy industry. This Analysis proved that industry segment of cheese offers greatest profit and growth potential for California Daily Farmers. This industry showed fastest historic and projected consumption growth rates. One of the reasons it’s a profitable growth opportunity due to its required amount of ingredient. It takes 10 pounds of raw milk for 1 pound of cheese. This makes it not only profitable to produce but also to transport economically and sell at a higher price per pound. The SRI study recommended that California’s dairies focus on retail (mass grocery and specialty food stores), foodservice (restaurants), and food manufacturing (prepared or frozen foods). California Milk Advisory Board’s first steps involved decision to create a unique identity or image different from others. This could make a turning point in their integrated marketing communications program. They now faced a challenge to represent variety of products from variety of producers. California Milk Advisory Board has used advertising as their means to promote Real California Cheese Since 1985. By 2000, they hired new agency named Deutsch LA, that decided to develop a new and more creative strategy for promoting California Cheese. They used the factor that “cheese is better because it comes from contented cows” to create their new campaign. The annual marketing budget for the integrated marketing campaign is $33 million. When SRI study was taking place, during this time, 53 percent of

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