Aim, If Achieved or Not, Makes Life Great

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AIM, IF ACHIEVED OR NOT, MAKES LIFE GREAT Aim can be defined as a specific goal; a clearly directed intent; a purpose or intention or a desired outcome. The statement “Aim if reached or not makes life great” reflects some implicit assumptions about the nature of aim. First, the aim should be noble and sublime. Ordinary aims and objectives are out of the purview of this statement. Second, the right means and methods should be used to achieve the aim. An utmost and sustained effort should be put in to achieve the aim. There has been an intense philosophical debate over the question of whether an aim is of an intrinsic value or an instrumental value. Is the achievement of an aim or goal is important or setting of an aim before oneself and making the utmost effort to achieve it, disregard of the fact that one achieves it or not, is important? Different thought systems have diverse answers to this question and even the individual response to this question may vary depending on the nature of the aim and circumstances. Allah confers on us success not based on what we have actually achieved. The right intention and the use of appropriate means to achieve an aim is surely the cause of seeking pleasure of Allah. “Those who do wish for the (things of) the Hereafter, and strive therefor with all due striving, and have Faith,- they are the ones whose striving is acceptable (to Allah).” (17:19) Again the emphasis is on using the right means in the right spirit “And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion.” (22:78) There are many examples in Quran which suggest that individuals could not achieve the aim according to the terms in which it is generally understood, but they were still successful. The Prophet Noah (Peace be upon him) failed to get his message accepted by

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