The Psychology Serial Killers He is a 32 year old white male. He lived an unstable childhood filled with child abuse and an alcoholic mother. His childhood hobbies included the torture of animals, which he later dismissed as “nothing major”. Growing up, he abused drugs and alcohol and also accepted homosexual tendencies. He currently has a long criminal history that includes serial murder… Nowadays, the media has sensationalized the idea of a human being capable of serial murder and academia has scrutinized the phenomenon of serial murder.
However, “Marilyn herself said “these events made me feel like a “mistake” easily abandoned” (Leaming, 2009, p. 7). These events definitely contributed to Marilyn’s emotional development and were the root cause of her abandonment issues. Her abandonment issues were likely the cause of her many divorces as she sought out acceptance and emotional attachment. With a very unstable childhood Marilyn probably had little to no moral guidance and a very unstable support system. “In addition, she was sexually abused; it is believed that she was abused by a few different men.
And then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck”(100). And so, she was dead. Well, this quote “I don't like curley. He ain't a nice fella” clearly means that Curley was rude and not nice to his wife. She did not have a lot of privileges like she couldn’t talk to anyone else but Curley because Curley would get mad.
Charlie has been sexually abused by his aunt when he was a child 2. Charlie has PTSD and uses it to block out bad memoires 2. Body A. What is PTSD? B. Charlie’s PTSD C. How PTSD helped me understand the book 3.
These under age prostitutes are just at risk of catching and spreading other sexually transmitted diseases to their babies and to other johns-not to mention each other. These children are also subjected to mental abuse from both the johns and the pimps which can lead to serious long term mental illness. These illness include everything from anxiety to depression to thoughts of suicide and even post-traumatic stress disorder. In the United States, 25 of 61 pregnant prostituted adolescents reported that they had seriously considered or attempted suicide within the past year( Pro- stitution and Sex Trafficking pg 54). The child prostitute has to endure feelings of hopelessness, abandonment, insomnia, nightmares and constantly being degraded by the johns and the pimps.
Aileen Wuornos: The Victim Behind the Monster 06/29/12 Abstract: Female serial killers are a rare presence in our world. Though women have been killing for many years, their motivations differ greatly from those of their male counterparts. One of the most perplexing examples among this small group is the case of Aileen Wuornos. During a twelve month period beginning in 1989 and ending in 1990, Wuornos murdered seven men. She failed to meet the usual characteristics one would expect from a female serial killer.
Phillip Garrido used Jaycee to satisfy his pedophilia and sexually abused her.Dugard had two children during her captivity who were teenagers by the time they were all found.As Jaycee got older the sexual abuse stopped.The Garridos kept Jaycee and her two daughters there for 18 years until Phillip was discovered by the police in 2009. This book is a memoir of her life in captivity and the slow but steady recovery she is presently going through. Conflict: The main conflict in her story was that she was away from her family whom she loved so much.She also faced other problems. For the first year she was help captive, she was kept in a room and was always alone.She repeatedly gets sexually abused by Phillip and has two daughters at a very young age. Her disturbing accounts of how cruel Phillip was when he made her perform sexual acts traumatized her possibly for life.
Ted may also have been catapulted into his killing streak by the revelation that his mother had deceived him his whole life (by claiming that she was his sister), creating resentment towards women. Due to his troubled upbringing, it is impossible to know for certain whether Ted Bundy was born a psychopath or became one as a result of the poor care and guidance he received as a child and later as an adolescent, during a period in his life where his fatal character flaws began to blossom. However, regardless of the origin of his immorality, it is undeniable that Ted Bundy was truly the embodiment of
Dahmar was molested as a child by his neighbor, which may be why he chose to inflict his crimes on men instead of women. He suffered from Schizophrenia. The divorce between his parents played a huge role in his feelings of abandonment and rejection. He suffered from pedophilia which might explain some of his sexual tendencies. He enjoyed having sexual acts with the dead corpse which would also be diagnosed as necrophilia.
Belle got pregnant by a man who obviously didn’t want to have a baby with her who kicked her in her stomach in a public area causing her to lose her child. Soon after the man disappeared and was never seen again. She began to meet other men who she then married and a few months later went missing and she collect their insurance money and went on to find another man. Gary Ridgway known as the “Green River Killer” Ridgway was another young man who had a very controlling mother, who later in life had some type of sexual desire. According to Ridgeway he didn’t like or wanted to pay prostitutes to have sex with him.