Age Psychology Questions and Answers

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Age and EWT 1. Describe the aims, procedures, findings and conclusions of Poole and Lindsay’s (2001) study of the effects of age on EWT – science demonstration Aims- The aims of their experiment were to assess whether children were able to source monitor. Procedures- They used child participants aged 3-8 years of age. They were shown a science demonstration throughout the day; later that day their parents read them a story, which contained aspects of the science demonstration. The next day, the children were questioned about the science demonstration and then were further asked to think about where they got their information from (source monitoring). Findings- It was found that the younger children were unable to source monitor as they could not identify where they learnt the information whereas the older children could. Conclusion- Poole and Lindsay concluded that the younger children are poorer eye witnesses than the older children as they are unable where they learnt the information. This means that they aren’t able to distinguish between original eyewitness memory and post event information. 2. What does this suggest about age and EWT? This suggests that age does affect EWT. 3. Explain why the story told at home could have been an extraneous variable… Interview bias (how the parents read the story) could have influenced the accuracy of the child’s response. The parents could have unintentionally prejudiced the child by how they read the story; techniques that could affect this could be their voice, their tone, or the time taken to read through the story. 4. How could this affect internal validity? This isn’t a controlled environment so this could have affected the results. 5. What ethical issues are there with Poole and Lindsay’s research? The research presents ethical issues because the children are unable to give fully informed
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