Against a Good Loving God

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The strongest argument that explains why a good, loving God would allow evils such as the Holocaust was made by the “attorney” appointed to defend God. He states that God was purifying the Jews for their sins, and with this purification the Jews would be better off. He quoted the Testament and used previous historical events to justify his claims. The objection to this argument is that why would God sacrifice good Jews in order to help make them better off. That would be illogical because by the end of the Holocaust the only surviving people would be the evil servants of Hitler. I don’t believe this is a good explanation why God would allow such suffering because the suffering is supposed to purify the Jews, but I don’t see why God would almost kill 4.9 to 6 million Jews to make them “better off”. The strongest argument that explains why a good, loving God would never allow evils such as the Holocaust is made by the “attorney” appointed to persecute God. He stated that since God is all knowing and all powerful, then he is aware of the evil going on and chooses not to do so. Therefore the God that exists is evil and not good, loving God. Someone could object to this argument by saying that God has a plan of punishing people for their sins, therefore he chooses not to intervene to teach humanity, or in this case the Jews, a lesson. Yes I believe this provides a good reason to conclude that a good, omnipotent God doesn’t exist because if he had the power to create humanity and the universe, I think he could prevent and sort of evil in this
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