African Civilizations, Axum, Ghana And Mali

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Alex Belluccia 5/1/11 Mr. Z S.S. / 7 Before the arrival of Europeans in Africa, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Africans had already developed advanced civilizations. Beginning with the kingdom of Axum, African kingdoms and empires have arose and declined throughout history. Kingdoms throughout Africa have made a lot of money trough trade. This allowed for some centers of advanced civilizations to develop, such as Axum, Ghana, and Mali, allowing these empires to accomplish many sophisticated accomplishments. Axum, located along the eastern coast of Africa, developed into an advanced society, and achieved many sophisticated achievements. Axum reached its height between 325 and 360. Due to Axum's location, it became a very important trade center with many trading routes around the world (Document 1). This civilization later became a transit point for goods traveling from South Asia into areas around the Mediterranean. In addition, the Axumites also traded with Greek ships from the Ptolemaic kingdom. Axum exported ivory, frankincense, myrrh, and slaves. They also imported textiles, metal goods, wine, and olive oil. Not only did the Axumites become a trading center, they also were able to unify their religion. Axum adopted Christianity form the Egyptian religion known as Coptic Christianity. This shows that Axum was an advanced civilization and had many important achievements including becoming a trading center as well as a unified civilization. Ghana is another example of a empire in Africa that had many complex and sophisticated achievements. Between 700 and 1067, the Ghana rose to power an gained control of the Saharan gold and salt trade (Document 2). Ghana was made up of small farming communities, but traded many goods such as salt, gold, ivory, leather, ostrich feathers, and slaves which came from the local berber
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