Africa Americans and the Quest to Attain Equality and Civil Rights

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African Americans and the Quest to Attain Equality and Civil Rights The Fight for African Americans to end segregation, discrimination, and isolation to attain equality and civil rights has been a long hard and more often than what we would like to think a somewhat violent campaign. One would think that something as simple as the treatment of another human being would be a simple thing to accomplish. However, as we can see throughout history it has not been as generation after generation, have taught their children to hate and for what? Something as simple and ridiculous as the color of one’s skin, this consequently became a vicious cycle of hatred and intolerance. We have to ask ourselves, how, did we come to a place where one race felt they were superior to not only African Americans, but American Indians and Asians as well based solely on the color of their skin. W.E.B. Dubois quote “This widening of the idea of common humanity is of slow growth and today but dimly realized. We grant full citizenship in the world commonwealth to the Anglo-Saxon and Latin ... half deny it to the yellow races of Asia, admit the brown Indians to an anteroom only ... but with the Negroes of Africa, we come to a full stop, and in its heart, the civilized world, with one accord, denies that Negroes come within the pale of 19th century humanity" (Aubrey L 1999). This quote summed up the way people thought during that time and the state of mind people had towards persons of different races. Therefore, with this said we come to the question of whose responsibility was it to end segregation, discrimination, and isolation to attain equality and civil rights? Should the African Americans have had to bear this burden alone, or should they have had to rely on a government divided on race issues to make this a reality? In order for us to fully understand the journey African Americans
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