Advertisings Effects on Meaning of Life

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Advertisement's Effect on Meaning I personally hate watching commercials. Many people feel the same and every time a commercial break comes on during a program, we either switch to another program or mute the viewing medium. And rightfully so, as commercials are often filled with manipulation, mocking, and straight up lies. Why would anyone want to be exposed to those things. Unfortunately, media consumption is a ever increasing part of our lives, and of course included with that comes a increase in amount of advertisements we consume. With that increase comes a increase in the amount of power the media has in shaping our society. We have seen very clearly throughout history that media can be used as a means of propaganda to shape the views of it's consumers. Commercials do this to shape our views and opinions to want whatever it is they are advertising. Through many marketing tactics, some arguably unethical, advertisements collectively alter our desires and goals. In doing so, media has the power to actually alter our lives meanings. As much as it hurts to admit, we are all susceptible to advertisements. Far more than we realize, we are manipulated, deceived, misguided, and many other terrible things, by the media we consume. I believe no one can deny advertisements are effective, at the least they are for product recognition. Advertising works, whether or not we even like or use whats advertised, we know about it. For example as a male I have zero use for tampons, I have no reason to pay attention to the commercials, but some how I can name a large number of tampon brands, and some great things about them. This is an example of my subconscious at work absorbing and relating messages without me trying. Our minds pick up a lot more then we consciously realize, and marketers know this. Subliminal advertising is a well documented technique used by marketers to

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