Advantages of Eatting Chocolate

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Advantages of eating chocolate Beside its delicious, chocolate is good for our health. Studies have shown that dark chocolate, which contains cacao as part of its ingredients, can help in reducing the negative effects of migraine headaches. In addition, it can lower blood pressure which is beneficial for diabetes. Also, it reduces the risk of heart diseases and cancer. Accordingly with this, eating dark chocolate will also make us feel happier. (Russell 2010) On the other hand, according with studies in Harcourt in 2011, lots of people believe that all kinds of chocolate are high in fat or usually contain many sugars and other unhealthy ingredients for commercial purposes. They argue that an excess of eating chocolate can contribute to increase the weight and other negative effects on human body. In fact, sugars and fats in chocolate are not bad because they are considered to be the major suppliers of energy that helps us to perform all kind of physical activities. Furthermore, the negative effect of eating extra amount of chocolate, which is gaining weight, is not an exclusive bad effect for eating large quantities of chocolate. Actually, any excess of eating any kind of food will be the cause of obesity problems. Therefore, anyone can eat chocolate, enjoy its health benefits, and maintain a healthy weight at the same time with no worry about negative effects provided that the consumption is being balance with a healthy diet. So if you are planning to eat more of chocolate, moderate it by eating less of other

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