Advantage and Disadvantages of Children Being Physically Disciplined

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Miris Obama LBST 275 Draft one (1) January 13, 2013 People believe that punishing a child is the best way to stop a child from misbehaving, but adults who are fond of hitting their children they forget that are also teaching the child that violence is a good method of completing a goal. The effective way to train a child is by not using violence. There are many people out there arguing to whether physical discipline is the proper way to train a child or if it is even necessary. In this paper I will be writing the particular issues over physical discipline given in the homes and within schools. I will be examining the different arguments about physical discipline and the different aspect on whether physical discipline should be legal in the schools or should it be abolished. Also, I will discuss whether physical discipline and delinquency are connected, and the effects physical discipline has on children. Physical discipline is any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some exceed of pain or discomfort. Physical punishment is imposed on a child by an adult in authority. The most recent form of physical discipline is paddling, spanking, and slapping, hit or to push a child roughly with force in order to move them. Physical discipline given in the schools and homes is the most common that causes disagreements. There are many places where physical discipline is used, but I want to concentrate more on schools and homes. In both schools and homes, adults either teachers or parents, discipline children. There is a big difference in physical discipline at home and within the school. Parents know their children better than teachers because they have been with them ever since they are born, where as teachers are only with students many hours a day. Sometime teachers have large numbers of students in their classroom

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