Advance Practice Nursing Roles

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Advance Practice Nursing Roles

South University On-line
Week 5 – W5 Assignment 2: Final Project


Nursing roles continue to advance and develop. Doors have opened for the Advance Practice Nurse as the decrease of primary care physicians. With the emphasis on health promotion after the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed the new emphasis on prevention, health maintenance and education is the primary goal. This paves the way for the Advance Practice Nurse either as a Nurse Educator, Nurse Informaticist and the Nurse Administrator to step into the arena as a primary care provider.

The Advance Practice Nurse has the opportunity to specialize by focusing on adult, gerontology, family, pediatric and women’s health while the Nurse Educator works to facilitate learning. The Nurse Administrator exhibits leadership skills as an instrument to build and shape organizations in an executive positions. And finally but not least the Nurse Informaticist that employ informatics theories, concepts, methods, and tools to analyze information and information system requirements. Together these masters’ level nurses use their education, training and evidence based theory to be part of a collaborative team to care for the health care community.
With the expansion of the role of nursing moves to an Advanced Practice Role through post graduate studies. As the title of Specialist in Nursing was coined after specific courses and broad skills were proven the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) was founded in the 1960’s and 1970’s (Hamric 2014). 1995 the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist was formed which included the modern name “Advance Practice” (Hamric, 2014). This new name brought about the specialty roles, CRNA Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, CNM Certified Nurse-Midwife, CNS

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