Adolescence The Time Of Adulthood

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Adolescence is generally considered to begin around the age of 12 or 13 and end at 18 or 19. It is a period of transition between childhood and adulthood that is not at all universal. In many cultures and societies there is no such phase of development since marriage and its associated responsibilities occur at an early age. As Muslims, they need to contemplate the validity of this stage since they understand that accountability for their thoughts and actions begins at puberty . This means that even though they may not be an "adult" socially, they are considered to be one spiritually. Obviously this should bring up all kinds of warnings for parents as they realize that the task of parenting is mostly complete by the age of 12 or 13, depending on when a child reaches puberty.This does not mean that being a parent ends at that time, but it does highlight the significance of those early years and the crucial role that parents play. they need to build a solid foundation so that their children will make appropriate choices when the time comes. For those who are in a society where adolescence is regarded as a distinct developmental phase, it is beneficial to understand some of its general characteristics. The perception that this time in life is one of turmoil and distress is related to the commonly held belief that parent-adolescent conflict is inevitable and that the difficulty will continue until the adolescent leaves home. Although this does occur in some families, it should not be considered the norm. Disagreements will obviously arise as the adolescent begins to assert his/her need for independence and control, which is accompanied by expanding cognitive ability and an emerging self-identity. Parents should respect their teenager's choices and foster his/her sense of responsibility, as long as the choices are not contrary to the principles of the religion. Youth
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