Adolescence Is a Story of Woe and Frustration

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ADOLESCENCE IS A STORY OF WOE AND FRUSTRATION. As childhood fades to adolescence, individuals discover the social and emotional impacts that can bring about feelings of woe and frustration. As the experience of adolescence differs from person to person, it is common that at some point these feelings of distress and confusion will be experienced for a particular reason and bring about a negative impact on the individual. This can influence what kind of adult they will develop into and particularly impact their identification and inclusion in society. In adolescence an individual’s priorities change dramatically from childhood; they begin to form their identity and give importance to certain areas of their lives and fade other areas, which can all lead to woe and frustration for a socially dependant individual. Physical appearance is a factor that many adolescents feel is important as well as social status and relationships with family members and peers. There are many scientific and psychological theories advocated by world renowned experts to explain the various stages of development that a person goes through. During the stage of adolescence, physical appearance plays an important role in a person’s life and can determine many aspects of their social and emotional wellbeing which can easily lead to feelings of misery. Society’s beliefs and expectations can be as harmful to a young adolescent as a child being bullied profusely in a playground. Albert Bandura, a leading social learning theorist, explains that much of adolescent behaviour comes from observational learning. Role models and leaders of today portray a beauty that is very specific and selective, consequently judging those who do not meet the so-called standards they unknowingly set. For individuals so young and naïve, and for a society so restricted and critical young people can become self-conscious

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