Adjectives or Adverbs

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This is a worksheet on the use of adjectives and adverbs.It contains 4 exercises to practice. Hope you find it useful. hartje boven 46 KB! KEYS exercise A nice – nicely clear - clearly terrible – terribly kind – kindly slow – slowly sudden - suddenly fast – fast happy - happily quiet – quietly honest – honestly exercise B sentence - picture 1. Unfortunately – well – heavy 1 – 1 2. famous – perfect 2 - 3 3. thoroughly 3 - 6 4. new – fast 4 - 2 5. loud – hardly 5 - 4 6. hard – extremely 6 - 7 7. attentively – beautifully 7 - 10 8. huge – really 8 - 9 9. diligently – cheerfully 9 - 8 10. fantastically – possibly 10 - 5 exercise C 1. Madonna has made some beautiful songs. 2. The baby terribly cried when she didn’t get her way. 3. The mouse quickly ran away when it saw a cat approaching. 4. I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to lock the door. 5. We got some extremely good news today. exercise D 1. carefully 2. angrily 3. well 4. immediately 5. loudly – well 6. honestly 7. painfully ----------------------- [pic] [pic] ADJECTIVES ADJECTIVES - used to describe nouns and pronouns * a nice dentist * the great party ADVERBS ADVERBS –used to modify a verb, an adjective or adverb * he clearly explained * I’m terribly sorry * highly successfully B. Circle the correct form given in italics and match the sentences to the pictures on the left. 1. (Unfortunate / Unfortunately Jef and Roger can’t get on very (good/well) with each other. They are having another (heavy / heavily) fight now. 2. Our neighbour is a very (famous / famously) baker. His

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