Ada Annie Woman of Many

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Abstract Ada Annie later known as Cougar Annie, as she killed seventy two cougars in her life time, moved to Boat Basin, British Columbia with her husband Willie Rae Arthur and there young children after he lost all their money to his addictions to drugs and alcohol. Ada Annie had a troubled relationship with her father as she was raised more like a son then daughter. Ada Annie was not one to abandon her own; instead she knew her role as a mother and wife and stood by her husband through the good and bad times. It is discovered throughout the text of Cougar Annie’s Garden by Margaret Horsfield that Ada Annie loved to garden and used her gardening as a source of income and a coping mechanism for her to deal with her stress. Throughout the text Cougar Annie proves herself to be a fighter and a survivor by not allowing anything or anyone hold her back from what she wants for her own success as well as her family’s being. Cougar Annie: The concept of Being Ada Annie Rae – Arthur moved to the community of Boat Basin, British Columbia on Vancouver Island in 1915, with her husband and young children. Ada Annie lived a comfortable life with her husband William Arthur in Vancouver; however their life quickly changed when William became addicted to opium and alcohol and lost all their money to this world of drugs and alcohol. As their life became worse, Ada Annie’s father had a role in moving them out to Boat Basin, “out of harm’s way” (Horsfield, 2003, p. 31). Boat Basin is where Ada Annie came to be known as Cougar Annie, as she claimed to have “killed seventy-two cougars in her lifetime” (Horsfield, p19). To help support her family Cougar Annie “ran a nursery garden, a general store and a post office from her home” (Horsfield, p.1). Cougar Annie was a “stubborn, wily, feisty, difficult woman. She was a survivor” (Horsfield, p.20). The purpose of this paper
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