Acute Otitis Media Essay

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OTITIS MEDIA ACUTE OTITIS MEDIA INTRODUCTION As is well known, acute otitis media is one of the most frequent infectious diseases of early childhood from all around the world, and it’s also considered as one of the most dangerous because of its complications, such as mastoiditis, meningitis, brain abscess, etcetera, and that’s why I chose this topic to develop on this essay, because of its importance on the early diagnosis and management to avoid any of this complications. This is the most expensive disease to the health department per year; over 20 millions of antibiotics are prescribed to treat AOM annually, and the widespread use of antibiotics has contributed to the emergence of antibiotic resistance and resulting on a reevaluation on the diagnosis and treatment of AOM. DEVELOP Acute otitis media is the most common form of otitis media. It’s frequent on kids because of their anatomical position and form of falopian’s tube (short, horizontal position and its close relationship with adenoids), approximately 90 per cent of children already had at least one symptomatic or asymptomatic episode by two years of age (incidence peak between 6 and 18 months). AOM is frequently related to andenoiditis, because this glands closes Rossenmüller pit, prevents the middle ear properly ventilate and drain, and it begins an accumulation of mucus and pus. AOM has four phases: 1.Ototubaritis phase: this stage is difficult for us to diagnose, because patient doesn’t feel pain, the only symptom that can be referred is the feeling of a clogged ear, but in babies, this is something that they cannot express or tell, which makes the diagnose much more difficult to get. If we make an otoscopy, we can see a slightly invaginated tympanic membrane, an audiometry would be completely normal and a tympanometry would report a curve slightly offset negative pressures. The only

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